"To provide responsive, innovative and effective solutions that improve quality of life."



JMD is uniquely experienced in the design of rail and bus transit facilities designed to serve passenger movement in the region. JMD has designed, following conventional design-bid-build and design-build methods, light rail facilities including guideways, stations, grade crossings, grade separations, traction power substations, utility relocation and traffic systems for nearly every light rail systems in the region including: Long Beach Blue Line, Pasadena Gold Line, Eastside Gold Line Extension, Metro Gold Line Extension (Pasadena to Azusa).

JMD has also been involved in the design of major bus rapid transit (BRT) corridors including exclusive right of way and shared lane corridors. JMD has managed the Wilshire BRT Project, Orange Line and 710 Gap BRT Corridor for LACMTA. Such projects included the design of guideways, roadways, stations, traffic signals, traffic signal priority and lighting.